Dear Mr CEO

by | Jun 1, 2023 | Business Coach Tips, Leadership, Strategy

Dear Mr. CEO, MD, entrepreneur, and Business owner, your company is a mess and it is your fault.


I am at a place where I am mad at the business world run by the C-Suite leaders. The world is a mess and so are you. The reason for my anger is that you are the one that is supposed to lead by example, but you are just falling into the same pattern as the rest of the messed-up society.

What happened to being mature in your decision-making, considering other people in the workplace, casting a vision for future success, and leading by example? Instead, we see the same narcissistic behavior, no vision, rudeness, and just day-to-day strife, the same as the people you are supposed to be leading. You are out of control.

I know we are going through a lot; I know we are fighting depression, anxiety, and the fear of recession. We are fighting for clients, fighting with the client, and fighting about clients. Suppliers do not have stock your client is needing urgently still they demand their money to get paid. Your clients are not paying you. You have stopped asking why because you know they do not have the money, because they did not get paid. But business must go on, so you push forward.

Your own health is at the worst it has been in years, if not ever. Blood pressure, anxiety, stress, diabetes, and cancer are at an all-time high. Not even to speak about your marriage. If you are still married? You have lost touch with your children and see them in the corridors while you scream a command like “clean up your room”, “tuck in your shirt” or “come and eat.” When last did you sit around the same table as your family and had a proper meal without the intrusion of WhatsApp, Email, Fortnite, or Roblox? Or not speaking about work but rather investing time in each other?


I know we are going through a lot; I know we are fighting depression, anxiety, and the fear of recession. We are fighting for clients, fighting with the client, and fighting about clients. Suppliers do not have stock your client is needing urgently still they demand their money to get paid. Your clients are not paying you. You have stopped asking why because you know they do not have the money, because they did not get paid. But business must go on, so you push forward.

Your own health is at the worst it has been in years, if not ever. Blood pressure, anxiety, stress, diabetes, and cancer are at an all-time high. Not even to speak about your marriage. If you are still married? You have lost touch with your children and see them in the corridors while you scream a command like “clean up your room”, “tuck in your shirt” or “come and eat.” When last did you sit around the same table as your family and had a proper meal without the intrusion of WhatsApp, Email, Fortnite, or Roblox? Or not speaking about work but rather investing time in each other?

Relationships with friends are a luxury and if you are lucky you get to see them once in 4 months for a quick game of golf or a 40th birthday. When last did you phone up your high school buddy?

Your staff and team are going through their own difficulties, and they are also barely hanging on. You can’t even handle yourself right now. Where do you find in yourself the courage and energy to motivate, uplift and inspire? You need it yourself. We can’t blame Covid anymore. We did this to ourselves.

You, yes you! Business owner, CEO, Director, Executive, Entrepreneur. People are looking up to you, they admire you, they aspire to be like you, and they follow your example. But are you leading?

This is what you are doing right now? You are displaying ineffective leadership, blame-shifting and not taking responsibility. Do you know the effect of this behavior on every person underneath you? Above you and wanting to follow your example?

The result of ineffective leadership, blame-shifting, and not taking responsibility can be detrimental to your organization, team, or individual.

I have total compassion and I do not want you to lose your dignity so please listen up and do something about it.

Here are some consequences you will face if not already facing:

  1. Decreased morale: When leaders fail to take responsibility for their mistakes, it can create a culture of blame-shifting and finger-pointing. This can lead to decreased morale among employees who feel that their contributions are not valued or that they are being unfairly targeted for mistakes. This is the reason you are in this mess; you all now feel the same, it has become your company culture and environment. Leader, I urge you, to take responsibility, stop blaming others, and solve the problem.
  2. Lack of trust: When leaders are not accountable for their actions, it can erode trust between the leader and their team. Without trust, it can be difficult to build effective relationships, collaborate, and make progress toward shared goals. This is why you feel stuck, rebuild your trust and respect by acting and a respectable manner.
  3. Increased conflict: Blame shifting can create a cycle of conflict, as team members may feel defensive and try to shift blame back onto others. This can lead to a toxic work environment where people are focused on protecting themselves rather than working together. The world is negative enough. The place where you spend 8 hours of your day does not have to be also.
  4. Stagnation: Ineffective leadership can result in a lack of direction and vision for an organization, which can lead to stagnation and missed opportunities. Without clear leadership, teams may struggle to make decisions and move forward.
  5. Loss of credibility: And dare I say dignity? When leaders consistently fail to take responsibility, they can lose credibility with their team and stakeholders. This can make it difficult to gain support for new initiatives or changes that are needed for the organization to succeed. You are not leading if you are not credible.

More than that, how is this behavior affecting morale, emotional health and overall happiness at work? This is how you are making people feel. This is how you are coming across. A negative environment that makes others feel a range of emotions in your presence.

This is not about people pleasing, or playing into their hands. This is about taking control back for your life, team and career.

And now this is what their opinion of you when they see you, send you and email or sit in your boardroom:

  1. They feel Disrespect: Rudeness and a lack of respect can make people feel devalued and unimportant. They may feel like their contributions are not valued, and that they are not being treated with the basic respect they deserve.
  2. They feel Anxious: Blame-shifting and not taking responsibility can create an environment of uncertainty, where people may feel anxious about the consequences of mistakes. They may be worried about being blamed for something they didn’t do, or feel like they are constantly walking on eggshells.
  3. They feel Frustrated: Ineffective leadership can lead to frustration, as people may feel like they are not being given clear direction or support. They may feel like they are not being listened to, and that their concerns are not being addressed.
  4. They feel Demotivated: A negative environment can also be demotivating, as people may feel like their efforts are not making a difference. They may lose their passion for their work and become disengaged. Are you seeing this?
  5. They act Defensive: Blame-shifting can create a defensive environment, where people may feel like they have to constantly protect themselves from being blamed for mistakes. This can lead to a lack of collaboration and trust, and can make it difficult to work effectively as a team.
  6. Overall, a negative impact on people’s emotions and can make it difficult for them to work effectively. It’s important for leaders to create a positive and supportive environment, where people feel valued, heard, and supported.

I know if been harsh, yet truthful. It is because I care, I care a whole lot, so much that I wrote in total honesty and expectancy for you to pull yourself towards yourself and turn yourself and your team around. To where you are supposed to be at.

You can still do it and administer real change! Stop this rudeness. Stop this negativity. Stop feeling like being an adult is like eating soup with a fork. Stand up as the leader you are made to be. You are not Humpty Dumpty, your team should not put you back together again. When an egg drops to the floor and breaks, life ends. If broken from the inside force, life begins.

I challenge you today leader, breakthrough from the inside so that new life for you are your people can begin. You have a responsibility, you are responsible. You also care, you also care so much. You are not rude; you were tired and worn out. You are not disrespectful; you were just on the verge of giving up. You are not demotivated; you just did not know where to turn anymore. You have not lost your moral compass; you just could not find yourself anymore.

The solution may require a combination of strategies. Here is some examples of potential places to start:

  1. Lead by example: As a leader, it’s important to model the behavior you want to see in others. This means taking responsibility for your mistakes, treating others with respect, and avoiding blame-shifting.
  2. Encourage open communication: Encourage open communication among team members, so that people feel comfortable expressing their concerns and working together to solve problems.
  3. Foster a positive work environment: Create a positive work environment that fosters collaboration, creativity, and innovation. This can include offering opportunities for professional development, recognizing and rewarding good work, and creating a culture of trust.
  4. Provide feedback and support: Provide regular feedback and support to team members, so that they feel valued and know that their contributions are important. This can include constructive feedback, coaching, and mentorship.
  5. Address problematic behavior: If there is problematic behavior within your team or organization, it’s important to address it directly and assertively. This may involve having difficult conversations or providing training and support to improve problematic behavior.
  6. Seek external support: If you’re struggling to address problems within your team or organization, consider seeking external support from a coach, consultant, or other professional.

Creating a positive and supportive work environment requires ongoing effort and commitment. By focusing on leading by example, encouraging open communication, fostering a positive work environment, providing feedback and support, addressing problematic behavior, and seeking external support, you can work towards creating a more positive and productive workplace culture.

I tell you this because I know you are a game-changer and it is time to change your game.


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